I guess I am a Role Model Now

By Jay P - July 12, 2013

This entire week was a whirlwind event for the Bahamas. It was our 40th independence Anniversary, celebrated by all & culminating in a grandiose spectacle of Bahamian Pride and Celebration. This week was celebrated by several acts of Bahamian pride, and enthusiasm. The Bahamian Icon Awards, is set to commemorate several Bahamian Icons trailblazing a way in the Bahamian community in their various sectors.

The Tribune News Network marked this historic occasion by highlighting the hard work and relentless effort of the 40 individuals under the age of 40 "Bahamas Independence the Bridge to the Future" A retrospective look at many of the individuals who were not even born when then country became Independent and highlighting their trailblazing efforts to change OUR nation, and challenge social barriers. I have the privilege of calling many of these individuals my friends and I support their hard work in forging the foundation of the future of this nation, and implore them to keep up their efforts despite the disparaging barriers. 

I myself had the privilege of being included in another list of 40 individuals under 40 sponsored by Jones Communications Networks. And although I did not have an opportunity to attend the ceremony commemorating my fellow Bahamians on their effort, I would like to take this moment to express my deepest and sincerest appreciation for their accomplishments. All of these individuals are proud pillars of our community and make us proud to sport the Black, Aquamarine and Gold with pride. I congratulate the Bahamas on allowing us to call you all BAHAMIANS.

But beyond the glory, fame and recognition even more importantly I would like to take a few moments to commemorate the unsung heroes of these 40 years of independence. For the mothers and fathers sacrificing to provide their kids with the best possible education. For the grandparents dedicating after school pickup and drop off trips to ensure there loved ones stay on a righteous path. For the Cub Scout and Brownies pack leaders providing after school outlets for the younger generations set to guide the nations. To the schoolteachers and administrators willing to spend 8 hours a day with someone else's namesake, while uplifting and educating the next generation. To the Priests, Pastors and Ministers who provide a moral compass to the wayward souls and advocate for a greater power for all to believe in. To the Hotel workers, BEC workers, BATELCO workers. To every pulse that beats to a Saxson, Valley, Roots, One Family Riddim. To every individual who bleeds for the 242 I want to say thank you, because to me you are the Bahamian Dream!

We are the Bahamas, WE ARE 40!

Happy Birthday Bahamas

Photo credit: susan_d_p / Foter / CC BY-NC-ND
Photo credit: ebodie / Foter / CC BY
Photo credit: zanzibar / Foter / CC BY-NC
Photo credit: Scott Smith (SRisonS) / Foter / CC BY-NC-ND

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