Happy 40th Independence Bahamas!!! You are officially OLD :P

By Jay P - July 12, 2013

I know in terms of independent nations the Bahamas is just a baby. 40 years old?! Thats nothing compared to the rest of the world. Lets look at other British Colonies that gained independence. The United States of America declared Independence in 1776. India, a former British colony gained independence in 1947. Relative to these nations we are relatively a young nation. 

The past 40 years have been a slow succession from british rule and have culminated in a free Nation of proud independent people set to determine their future. We have come a long way. Many argue that we may not be as independent as we think, but I look to the heart and soul of our Bahama Land, the people. 40 years past, FOREVA TO GO!

My fellow Bahamians, I wish you a Happy Birthday. We may not be the richest, we may not have the most resources, but there is no other place I would rather claim as my home. 


WE ARE 40!

40 to INFINITY.......

Happy Birthday Bahamas!

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