13 Questions we have after Game of Thrones Season 7 Premiere

By Jay P - July 17, 2017

1. Why isn’t Arya headed North?

After exacting revenge on Walder Frey for the death of her Mother and Brother we see Arya heading south to King’s Landing to kill the Queen (Cersei). After spending so much time alone in her quest to become an assassin one would think that Arya should be headed home to Winterfell for a family reunion.

2. How do you stop a Zombie Giant?

With the latest development we see that the White King as turned a giant into a walker. This does not bode well for the men of the watch or everyone south of the wall. Our only guess to stop a Zombie Giant requires Dragon Fire.

3. Can we get more of Lady Mormont?

Lady Mormont has proven herself to be one of the most endearing characters of Westeros. Her support for The Stark family and the North, is unwavering in the face of sexism and misogyny. Give us more of Lady Mormont, SHE SLAYS!

4. Will Jon Snow’s sense of Honor & Duty get him killed…again?

Jon Snow faced an opportunity to reclaim the castles of those not loyal to the stark family. His sister Sansa advocated for the breakdown of his betrayers progeny. Instead Jon sought to seek fealty to the children of those who had betrayed his family. A noble gesture, however we are left to wonder if acts of kindness such as these will only get him killed as it did before as commander of the night’s watch.

5. Where is Ghost…can we get a quick shot of our favorite Dire Wolf?

We once had 6 dire wolves to Marvel at in season one. As the name sake of the Stark family the dire wolf holds great symbolism similar to Daenrys and her dragons. As far as we can tell, the dire wolf companion of Jon Snow, Ghost, is the last remaining dire wolf of the litter and has served him well over the years. However in this season's opening we did not see Ghost make an appearance. What gives?!

6. Is Cersei the Mad Queen Now?

Tales of the Mad King depict someone who had lost all confidence of those around him, who sought to inflict pain and heart ache to all those he deemed an enemy. Enter Cersei Lanister, who has lost all three of her children, her father and her mother. Increasingly she sets to distance herself from the rest of the world. Her unapologetic use of dragon fire aligns her with the Mad King of old who was obsessed with it.

7. Is the Lord of Light Real?

To be honest like all of the Gods referenced in GOT I had previously marked the Lord of Light as another fantasy of the faithful believers. But to be fair we have seen the magic that his followers possess (e.g. Melisandre). We have also seen him bring people back to life from the dead including Jon Snow and Beric Dondarrion. With that being said, can we expect a special appearance by the lord of light himself? I don’t see why not.

8. How much shit can one man take, Sam Tarly?

Ok this one is just a bit melodramatic but C’mon man. Like seriously, why were people just leaving excrement under their bed for Sam to take out. It aint that serious Brah. Take Gilly and go get you some had sanitizer. FOREVER UNCLEAN! And they had him serving people food with his feces hands. Yuck!

9. Will Jamie turn on Cersei?

Ok, over the past 6 years we have come to realize that Jamie isn’t inherently evil like his sister or father and in fact is more so the victim of their world domination desires. With the death of his youngest child with Cersei, Tommen, Jamie knows a part of Cersei is broken. He too fears what she is now capable of. The question is where does this leave him?

10. So Tyrion couldn’t get one Line in the Premier?

I’ve come to enjoy watching that little drunken, philandering dwarf. Yet they rob us of almost any Tyrion time in the season premiere. He doesn’t show up until the end, which is all Daenerys' time. Let us hope they rectify this in the next episode.

11. Is Ed Sheeran gonna die?

Ed Sheeran treated us with a rare celerity guest appearance in the premiere episode of season 7 GOT. Arya stumbles upon him and his fellow soldiers around a campfire eating dinner. After watching Arya scope out the weapons I was sure she would needle him in the neck. The only question now is how long will he last?

12. Is Dragonstone the key to defeating the White Walkers?

So Sam Tarly discovered that a mountain of dragonglass lay underneath the newly conquered land of Daenerys Targaryen, Dragonstone. Presently, the only two ways to kill a white walker are with Valaryian Steel and Dragonglass. With a mountain of dragonglass left to be mined in Dragonstone, this may provide the key to defeating the white walkers

13. How did Jorah the Andal end up prisoner in Old Town?

Sam stumbles upon Jorah the Andal in a prison in Oldtown, while serving his duties. No doubt Jorah was probably there in search of the cure for greyscale, as directed by his queen. We see his arm covered in afflictions, suggesting he has not found the cure. In true dedication to his queen his only concern remains her arrival in Westeros. Will he be cured? It doesn’t look good for Jorah.

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