Renovation Underway...

By Jay P - May 15, 2017

Its been a while. This blog was something I started a couple years ago and I just fell off! To my surprise over the past couple years many people have been able to get insight from the words that I had expressed on this blog and apparently it even helped some people. Who knew?! Over the past couple years I have spent all of my time focused on my career and trying to advance up the scientific ladder. In my personal life I have gotten Married, had my first born son and we have even adopted a  free dog (from the shelter). Its strange to think that so much can happen in just a few years but I guess time flies when you are having fun. However, lately I've been struck with an urge to express myself again. To put my thoughts out into the ether and see what comes back. I have a couple of gems lined up which I want to share with you guys, including how I took a bleated honeymoon to seven different countries over 16 days for half the normal price using credit card points. Oh and about that time I swam with the pigs. I also have some interesting social experiments lined up, along with an update to one of my most famous blogs Confessions-of-a-coke-coca-cola-addict. So stay tuned...

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